Experience God in Life Together


Don't you want to feel the energy and passion from knowing God loves you and is always with you? We help you connect with God personally and practically through experiences, conversations, and engagement  in an encouraging and welcoming community. As we strive to live like Jesus, we share in the joy and peace that overcomes our circumstances and overwhelms our lives. 

 Meet Our Pastors

Pastor Derek Harman

My amazing wife Dawn and I have 2 sons, and we love adventure. I spent my childhood overseas in Trinidad (an island in the Caribbean) and Geneva, Switzerland, in a missionary family. Those experiences filled me with a cultural curiosity and gave me a lifelong interest and love of travel. During seminary, I spent my internship year in a German congregation just outside of Hanover, and later served an international congregation in Bratislava, Slovakia. I enjoy witnessing how God is at work in other cultures because it opens my mind to different expressions of faith; it helps me see just how much God loves our world. I am a rock drummer and have been known to sit in with the church band from time to time. I embrace the journey that a life of faith has offered me and I love exploring that journey with others. 

Pastor Ralph Supper

I grew up in the small state of Rhode Island, but am still optimistic it’ll grow soon. My wife Kendra and I have three wonderful daughters and live in Cameron Park. I love stand up comedy, cooking gourmet foods, and being outdoors. My life’s mission is to spread joy and faith which is why I end all correspondence with “lookin’ up”. Jesus grace and presence encourage me to be my best and continuously learn. I’ve served at Resurrection since 2013 and have loved growing along with the congregation. . If you’re reading this and we haven’t met, please come say ‘hello’ on a Sunday. I’d love to get to know you and help you grow in faith. 

Our Values



Be Who God Made You To Be! Inspired by our salvation through Jesus Christ we strive to do what He teaches and authentic to who God made us. We follow the core doctrine of the Lutheran church and encourage every individual to seek and follow their calling.



Bring Faith to Life! We seek to notice God in our daily lives and to practice natural forms of prayer, worship, and service. It's important to us that church is comfortable and relatable so that we can experience God.



Take Action! We each play a role in our faith life and the redemption of the world. Every person is valuable and can be helpful in serving God as a part of their faith.



Better with All People! Salvation is a free gift to all people. Therefore we respect and include all people NO MATTER WHAT! We learn from diversity and thrive in community.

Our Story

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection was established by Pastor John Moren and 63 charter members in 1963 when there were still more sheep than people in Granite Bay. Since then we've grown to over 700 members, 100's of ministries and constant outreach thriving on 6 acres in the heart of town. We're known by our energetic worship, moving outreach, and deep relationships. Resurrection is a church that's small enough to care about each other, but big enough to dare to make a difference. With 5 large buildings, outdoor gathering space, a community soccer field, 1/2 mile prayer walk, labyrinth walk, playground, and 9 classrooms, Resurrection is a prime location for God's will.

60th Anniversary Remembrances from

Former Pastors

Pastors & Staff


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